The Project for Angry Models

If you are like most women between the ages of 20 and 60, chances are very good that you are very angry with yourself, men in general and the rest of the world. Here is the good news! You are not alone in your state of anger.


Anger is a powerful and often intense emotional response to perceived threats, frustration, or injustice. It's a natural human emotion that can vary in intensity from mild irritation to intense rage.

While anger itself is not inherently negative, how we express and manage it can have significant impacts on our well-being and relationships.

Common Causes of Anger:

1) Frustration: When things don't go as planned, or obstacles prevent us from achieving our goals.

2) Injustice: Experiencing or witnessing unfair treatment can trigger anger.

3) Threats: Perceived or real threats to ourselves or loved ones can provoke anger as a defensive response.

4) Hurt or Betrayal: Feeling hurt by someone we care about can lead to anger.

5) Stress: Ongoing stress can lower our tolerance for frustrations, making anger more likely.

Signs of Anger:

6) Physical Symptoms: Increased heart rate, tension, clenched fists, sweating.

7) Behavioral Signs: Yelling, arguing, or physical aggression.

8) Emotional Indicators: Feeling irritated, resentful, or outraged.

Managing Anger:

9) Deep Breathing: Slow, deep breaths can help calm your body and mind.

10) Physical Activity: Exercise can release built-up tension and reduce anger.

11) Time-Out: Stepping away from a situation can prevent angry outbursts.

12) Expressing Feelings Constructively: Using "I" statements to express feelings without blaming others can reduce conflict.

13) Seeking Support: Talking to a friend, counselor, or therapist can help in understanding and managing anger.

Positive Aspects of Anger:

14) Motivation: Anger can motivate us to address issues or seek justice.

15) Boundary Setting: It can signal when our boundaries are being crossed, prompting us to take action.

Challenges with Anger:

16) Aggression: Uncontrolled anger can lead to destructive behavior, harming relationships and well-being.

17) Suppression: Bottling up anger can lead to increased stress, anxiety, or even physical health issues.

Managing anger effectively involves recognizing the emotion, understanding its triggers, and finding healthy ways to express it.


Even before Covid-19, I had worked with countless demonstration video models who were just purely angry for absolutely no reason. In this project of angry models, I am working with new models who are suffering and deserve my help.