About Hypnotic-Trance.com

Hypnotic-Trance.com is for demonstration video models. It is sponsored by the black hypnotist project. Dedicated to the art and science of hypnosis and trance. Created for natural relaxation, stress reduction, good feeling and infinite pleasure.

Hypnotic-Trance.com is for demonstration video models.

Offered to only willing volunteers and adventurous assistants as demonstration and documentation video models. Hi there! My name is Murray. I am an experienced recreational and therapeutic black master hypnotist.

And I am based outside Amsterdam. In New York? No, not in the USA. But in The Netherlands. Located somewhere in Western Europe. Want to work with me on the black hypnotist project as a demonstration video model?


In this section, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the talented models and supportive associates who have made my online and offline hypnosis and trance demonstration video project a possibility.


Thinking of launching an affiliate program. If there is enough interest from our experienced demonstration video models. They can refer their fans, friends and family to the Black Hypnotist Project. They can then earn an extra commission. 


Interested in trying out the power of hypnosis? Experience the true joy of deep trance for relaxation, stress reduction, good feelings and pleasure sessions on a video recorded camera. Sometimes, we advertise for models. Black hypnotist seeking video assistants.


Why do you want to work with 80 year old models? My associates used to ask me. After I said that models older than 18 and younger than 80 can volunteer. After Covid-19, only models older than 21 and younger than 60 can apply.


Want to model for the project? If yes, you must agree to volunteer and assist the project? Want us to use your image, you must agree to the terms and conditions. Want to be hypnotized and go into trance free of charge? Agree to appear on a video camera.


Even before Covid-19, I had worked with countless demonstration video models who were just purely angry for absolutely no reason. In this project of angry models, I am working with new models who are suffering and deserve my help.


Another fun state that we demonstrate with the power of hypnosis deep inside trance is the creation of mental and physical arousal. Advanced models who go further and deeper into our video demonstration project should expect to enjoy a wonderful feeling of physical arousal.


One of the first problems that I like to help people overcome is the powerful realization that hypnosis is a fine art. Hypnotists like me are fine artists. If you are a very good hypnosis video subject, you are an artist.


Those interested in learning how to become one of our best demonstration video paid models, must first volunteer to assist the Black Hypnotist Project. When you do, you get the opportunity to work with me on the project as a hypnosis and trance video assistant


I would like to share another secret about attraction with our new volunteers. It is about how most of our advanced video models have learned how to intentionally create different wonderful states of physical attraction during their advanced hypnosis and trance demonstration video sessions.


It is a very important part of the video project. Potential models apply, they fill out a form and they get interviewed on a variety of topics. After their interview, they go through the audition. They try out their first hypnosis and trance demonstration exercises.


Inside the Black Hypnotist Project, I have helped countless modern humans (models, assistants and volunteers) with cluttered minds. They experience mental blankness. Their minds go blank. They uncluttered their minds. They emptied their thoughts.


One of the first interesting people, women, assistants, volunteers and models that has benefited mentally and emotionally from the art and science of my private and public hypnosis and trance practice and video project is Bridget.


I sometimes use the power of hypnosis and the pleasure of trance to intentionally create and demonstrate a wonderful state of calmness for our video models. Most of the people who volunteer for my hypnosis and trance video project as demonstration models are usually experiencing the opposite of calmness.


I practice the state of comfortability. I share it with uncomfortable demonstration video volunteers. Help them reduce their discomfortability. Volunteers turn their discomfortability into complete comfortability.


Hypnotic trance is a place of creativity. The video project is another place of creation. It allows us to create new experiences. Volunteers get the opportunity to create new thoughts, feelings and emotions.


Does hypnosis work? Nobody really knows. We all need proof. How does trance really feel? Every subject describes trance differently. Even hypnotists argue about trance. How do I prove that hypnosis and trance work? I demonstrate the pleasure of trance with different volunteers. I do it on my video project.


I had been constantly developing new hypnosis and trance sessions even before I started the video project. Another aspect of working with video models is developing new sessions, training, and programs.


The project of divinity for video models. The state of divinity for willing volunteers. Divinity is a natural feeling of spirituality. Imagine pure and positive energy from the universe of God washing all over you. Demonstrating the sensation of divinity.


Video volunteers help me document my work. I used to only write sessions down.  Most of the time I miss a lot of details. Bad thing! Video documentation makes it easy for me. It helps me review sessions quickly. I see aspects that I miss during the sessions. Documentation is just one aspect of the project. Great hypnotists always document their work. Working with models only makes it easy and fun.


What is ecstasy? It is an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement, according to Google dictionary. In this NEW video project for natural ecstasy, we are working with willing volunteers and adventurous assistants who are experienced video models. 


Beginning models can expect the experience of a video interview. The experience of the suggestibility test as an audition session. What else can video models experience with me? The demonstration of hypnosis for models. The feeling of trance for models.


Models are required to offer their honest and open feedback. Good, bad and indifferent. The feedback does not have to be good or bad. But it has to come from a very sincere place. I use the feedback to adjust, change and improve things.


Volunteers feel great when they get hypnotized. Models experience even more wonderful feelings inside trance. The video project offers assistants unique opportunities to play with different feelings. Making your feelings amazing.


We want our volunteers to have fun, while they get hypnotized inside trance. Fun is another interesting side of our video project. Models always complain about how quickly time flies after their demonstration video session.


Models who are struggling to find a sense of happiness in their daily lives can volunteer for the happiness project. Inside trance, countless models have learned how to become naturally happy again. It is one of my best demonstration video projects


When potential models volunteer to assist the project of natural highness, guess what? They get the unique opportunity to try out different states and feelings of natural high with me on the black hypnotist project. 


When models volunteer to assist my video project willingly, guess what? They get the unique opportunity to try out the type of hypnosis that I practice multiple times and in different ways over and over again on a video camera.


Never met a hypnotist like me before? Volunteers get the opportunity to meet me. Never worked with a hypnotist before? Models get the opportunity to work with me. Don’t know what hypnotists like me do? Assistants get the opportunity to learn what hypnotists practice.


Imagery is one of the exciting elements that we use to communicate in our hypnosis and trance video project with models. Why do you think we use images in our hypnosis and trance video project?  Images are also some of the most basic powerful hypnotic trance tools that most modern human beings use to easily hypnotize themselves into trance  every single day.


When I started the video project, I was not pleased with my work. I wanted to improve my sessions. I wanted to improve every aspect of what I practiced. Volunteers help me improve my hypnosis and trance sessions and their lives.

Mercy & Mission


Another aspect of the hypnosis and trance video project is helping men. Working with super stressed male demonstration video models. Open-minded men who are very restless. Need help to reduce stress. Learn how to relax deeply.


I have known her for so many years. I asked her for assistance. She agreed to help me with my project. I invited her for a video demonstration session. It was one year after I had launched it. No, not my online video project. Offline? Yes, my offline video project. It was for hypnosis and trance models. I launched in the Netherlands.


Helping willing volunteers. Guiding adventurous assistants. Offering models relaxation. Demonstrating hypnosis. Documenting trance. Improving sessions. Creating contents. Reducing stress. Increasing relaxation.


A video model does not have to be a fashion, cosmetic or beauty model. A model for our project does not have to be experienced in modeling. The demonstration video model must be open-minded and curious about the power and pleasure of the type of hypnosis and trance that we practice.


When he is not working with demonstration models, he is learning, teaching, and healing students, subjects, and clients. Before he started the video project in 2015, he had already hypnotized, entranced, and helped thousands of people online and offline.

Relaxation & Responsiveness


Discover the relaxation video project for restless demonstration models who cannot easily relax. Find out how models can volunteer for relaxation video demonstration sessions. The model of relaxation by the black hypnotist project. 


Want to learn how to become one of my best models of responsiveness? Fantastic! You are welcome to the project of responsiveness for demonstration video models by the Black Hypnotist Project.


Quick tension relief, easy stress reduction and different forms of unlimited human pleasure with only willing volunteers and adventurous assistants as video and photo demonstration models.


Love science? So do I. Another aspect of my video project is the scientific side of trance. Does hypnosis work? Science requires experiment, right? It is not just enough for you to say something works or doesn't work. We need proof.


Potential video models who would like to experience the type of pleasurable sensations that we practice and demonstrate, this is your unique opportunity. Start your journey of wonderful mental, physical and emotional sensation with the Black Hypnotist project.


It is created for demonstration video models, willing video volunteers and adventurous video assistants. It is the main publishing platform for our online and offline video project. It is for those who have been helping us improve our work since 2015.


And they have been giving us their open and sincere feedback. These are courageous and adventurous men and women. They have invested their time, energy and resources into our project. They sit in front of our video camera.


The idea of being hypnotized on recorded video camera excites you. You are willing to go through our demonstration sessions on camera. You want to experience the relaxation and pleasure side of hypnosis and trance that we practice.


She is one of my first offline hypnosis and trance video demonstration and documentation models. One year after I started hypnotizing and entrancing willing volunteers on my video project, I called Joanna. I asked her if she would like to volunteer.


System of payment by the Black Hypnotist Project offers beginning models the unique opportunity to learn how to become paid models. Discover how it works in 2023. Find out what it takes. Learn when to start, grow and earn. 


Another mental and emotional benefit of my hypnosis and trance video demonstration and documentation project for models. It is the feeling of natural peace. When you get hypnotized by me on a camera, you can go deeper into that place of peacefulness within yourself naturally and effortlessly.


Most of my models like photography. It is a very important part of the project. It captures different emotional states. States that I usually miss during sessions. Photography freezes and suspends the states.


Where the fun begins. Models of pleasure. They are some of the fun themes of our video project. I really love the pleasure side of hypnosis that I practice. Advanced video models can enjoy unlimited pleasure even more intensely deep inside trance.


The pricing of interview, audition, hypnosis, trance, relaxation, and pleasure video demonstration sessions for beginning models are discussed in this section. Start by paying the price for becoming one of our paid video models.


Inside the black hypnotist project, demonstration video models discover the black hypnotist production. We produce demonstrations, images, notes, clips, sessions, training, contents, feelings, states, emotions, sensations and so much more.


If you are interested in the Black Hypnotist Project, realize that it was created specifically for demonstration video models in 2015. Since then, we have created different projects for beginners, intermediates and advanced video models. 


When I first started demonstrating my work with video models free of charge, the intention was not to promote my work. Offering super stressed and restless volunteers free hypnosis and trance sessions on my video project, they discovered more and told their friends.


The world of hypnosis, trance readers, adventurous and explorers never get the opportunity to see my work. Hypnotic-Trance.com is the website of my publication. At least, a very small part of my work. 


You can contact us by filling out the contact form. We will put you in touch with Murray, who is our recreational and therapeutic black hypnotist. He lives in Western Europe. You can work with him online, if you live outside Western Europe.


If you live within Western Europe, maybe you can work with him in person. Ideally, you are older than 21 years and younger than 60 years. You feel completely comfortable trying out the type of hypnosis and trance that we practice with volunteers, assistants and models on video camera.


You are willing to put in the time and energy to try out different ideas, experiences and sessions multiple times on video recorded camera. You don’t mind our terms and conditions.

And you are willing to agree with the fact that we legally own 100% of the content and sessions created and produced with all volunteers, assistants and models during all video demonstrations.


She volunteered and assisted the project as an online hypnosis and trance demonstration video model. She learned how to become hypnotized on the project. Discovered different ways to enjoy deeper states of trance. 


You will be pleasantly delighted to see that we provide a variety of engaging video sessions when you volunteer to help our video project. Beginners should begin with a video interview session. If everything goes well, we conduct an audition video session.


I love the process of reducing stress for subjects with hypnosis. When I started the project, I looked for people who were stressed out. I asked them to volunteer for my project. In return, I helped them manage and reduce their stress.


It is one of the most important elements of our video project. I design different mental and emotional states. I demonstrate them with my models on our video project. I use the power of hypnosis and the pleasure of trance to create different pleasant states.


Black hypnotist project for natural talents. Discover your talent for hypnosis. Find out if you have a talent for trance. Develop your natural talent for relaxation. Learn how to become one of my naturally talented demonstration video models. 


Do you enjoy feeling tipsy? If so, you are not alone. In this project of tipsiness, I am working with slightly different demonstration video models. They volunteer to be hypnotized to experience a natural state of tipsiness inside trance.


When I first met Eric at the airport, I thought about how he could contribute something uniquely different to my hypnosis and trance video project. After working with him, I have thought about working with more male models who are super stressed out and need help.


When I first started my offline hypnosis and trance demonstration and documentation video project in 2015, Lillian was one of the very first serious online photo and video experienced models that I hired to work with me virtually.


This site introduces beginners to the video project. The Black Hypnotist Project. Those who cannot afford hypnosis and trance sessions can volunteer. They assist the project as video demonstration models. They get free demonstration video sessions.


Since 2018, she has been modeling for my online hypnosis and trance video demonstration project. She has described her experience and journey as divine, ecstasy and better than the powerful  feeling of attraction, love and shopping.  


The video project requires me to first interview potential models. So, if you want to model for the video project, one of the first things that you can do is to get me to interview you on our video camera about your hypnosis and trance experiences. 


If models cannot work with me in-person, can they work with me virtually? Yes, if they are older than 21 with the required tools, Skype skills and clean environment. Strong Internet connection, access to a good laptop (or a smartphone with a tripod.) 


I personally prefer working with willing video volunteers in-person than virtually. The quality of their experiences is richer. Their responses and feedback are much better. The images captured are sharper. If you live in Western Europe, it is easy to work with me in the real world. 


I am not a photo or video editor. I am the hypnotist. It is hard work and somebody else has to do it. Fortunately, I now have an excellent photo and video Editor. After each session, I analyze it and select only one image that captures a certain emotional state. I give it to him and he edits it before publishing.


They try out our demonstration video sessions. Free of charge! They tell us what works for them, what does not work for them and what they enjoy the most. We use their feedback to improve what we practice. We started working with willing volunteers on recorded video camera 6 years ago.


Since then, we have worked with countless volunteers, models and assistants. And all of them have contributed something different to our video project. If you would like to volunteer for our online or offline video project, this is your opportunity to find out if you have what it takes.


It’s almost like asking the question, “why do most fashion houses use mostly women as models for their fashion shows?” Most of my hypnosis and trance demonstration sessions are mostly designed for women than men.