Demonstration & Model – Bridget

Another demonstration of hypnosis and trance with an offline video model, Bridget. Thanks to her participation, assistance and our photo editor’s effort. The image above captures the deep state of hypnosis and trance she was experiencing at the time.

Amazing demonstration model of hypnosis and trance, right? It was not her first hypnosis and trance demonstration session with me in person. However, it was her first hypnosis and trance demonstration session with me on a video camera through our documentation project. 

Previously, I had done a couple relaxation, stress reduction and good feelings demonstration sessions with her at our organization office. But they were all done off camera. I remember calling her the previous day.


And asking her if she would like to volunteer for my hypnosis and trance demonstration and documentation video project. I had known her for a couple of years. It was two years after I had started working with willing volunteers on my video project.

She was very excited and happy about it and we made an appointment right away. She came to my home office that very day. We sat down at my desk in front of my desktop computer.  And we talked about the video project and what we were going to do together.

We reviewed all the topics, images and experiences she would try out on Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Making sure everything was clear for her. I then asked her if she had any objections, questions or concerns about trying out the experiences and talking about them on a video camera. 


She said no. In fact, I remember her saying that she had been feeling stuck in her life for sometime. And  that  she had been looking for a powerful program like my hypnosis and trance demonstration and documentation video project  to shake her up and move her forward into the future.

She said at the time, she really needed it. We did not do any video sessions that very day. It was just a presentation and pretalk day. Even though she was my colleague. We worked for the same organization at the time. We were no strangers.

We had known each other for years. We had done other projects together. We had done a couple of sessions off camera before. She was stressed out at the time. I asked her if she would like to reduce her stress, feel relaxed and change her mood into feeling great.


I helped her out with the power of hypnosis and she went deep into trance. We practiced some exciting exercises inside our organization office. We made some positive changes inside her mind. Giving her some pleasant suggestions and irresistible commands. 

Helping her to change her emotional state from feeling bad to feeling wonderful. And she felt fantastic. But, during the pre-talk and presentation of the video project, I still wanted to make sure that she was the right person for the video project.

And the video project was right for her. It was so very essential. But, most importantly, she was completely comfortable, confident and interested in the ideas and with the topics and the experiences of the video demonstration project. 


Do not get me wrong. Bridget is a very strong, confident, open-minded and adventurous modern woman. She is not squeamish and easily afraid of new ideas and experiences. Even though we had done sessions off camera before. She had responded positively.

I had no idea at the time if she would be completely comfortable trying out my hypnosis and trance video sessions. Basically, I had no idea if she would make a very good hypnosis and trance video demonstration model for my video documentation project. 

Over the years, I have learned some valuable lessons working with countless private and public hypnosis and trance subjects and models. Working with hypnosis and trance subjects very well off camera privately, does that mean they can do video demonstration sessions in public with me?


Not really. It does not necessarily mean they will feel comfortable appearing and working with me on a video camera. Even though she was different. I knew her. She knew me. We knew each other. She was aware of my private hypnosis and trance practice. 

She had tried my hypnosis and trance demonstration sessions before off camera. She enjoyed it. She said it was fun for her. Peaceful, calming and relaxing. She benefited from it. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Still, there are no guarantees.

But still, I wanted to make sure. Pre-talk, interview and presentation are the best ways to find out. If Bridget had not been open-minded and responsive about our previous off camera sessions, would I have invited her? Well, probably not.

Honestly, I pretty much doubt it. I probably would not have invited her and offered her the opportunity to be part of the hypnosis and trance video project. After our pre-talk, off camera interview and presentation, we made an appointment for the following day.

I thanked her for coming in for the presentation and pretalk and she went home. The following day she came back. We met again at my home inside my home office. We had something to drink, eat and talked more about the video sessions lined up for the day.

I set up my Fuji camera and mounted it on one of my big and tall tripods. I then pulled one of my office chairs for her to sit down. It was not the best day considering the weather. The sunlight was not out on that day. We needed enough daylight.

We had enough daylight coming from the opened home office windows. But, was it good enough for a video session shoot? Not really. Looking at her original and unedited footage last month, I realized how dark inside my home office was that very day. 

Not the best condition to record a hypnosis and trance demonstration  video sessions. We were in September and not June or July in Western Europe. The natural lighting from the windows was very disappointing. I did not use any artificial light back then.

Personally, I prefer natural lights over artificial lights. They capture and bring out the natural skin complexion of the video models. I wanted to use pure and natural light. My knowledge and skills about lighting back then were very basic and minimal. 

Looking back now, it seems as though I  did not care much about the lighting. My whole focus was on Bridget, the project and the sessions. After all, I was not a photographer or a videographer back then. Honestly, I am still not a photographer now.

I am still not a videographer now. I would not want to be one. I am just a recreational and therapeutic pleasure hypnotist. Trying my very creative best to capture, freeze, improve, promote, document and demonstrate my work with models on camera.

Since then, I have also started working with video and photo editors. They assist me with editing photos and short videos. After Bridget sat down comfortably, I turned on the camera and we started recording our first video session. It was very exciting.

I welcomed her to the hypnosis and trance video project. She thanked me for inviting her. We started going through her first video interview session. I could see that she was a little bit nervous. It was normal and natural for volunteers, subjects and models to be nervous. 

The state of nervousness is not necessarily a bad thing. When we become nervous as humans, it is just a sign that we are really alive. Maybe it is because we are even more excited about where we are, what we are doing or what we are about to do.

The mind is doing one thing. The body is feeling something else. The world around us changes. Time stops. We cannot control it. That is the power of hypnosis. And that is the science of trance. It happens naturally, automatically and unconsciously. 

That was the state of mind, emotion and spirit that Bridget was experiencing in that very moment when we started shooting her first interview video session. Maybe it was because of the video camera. Maybe it was because of her sense of anticipation.

Maybe it was because of something else. I did not know then. I still do not know now. I would not want to guess. After all, I am not a psychologist. I am not a mind reader. I would never want to be one. Why would I ever want to be? 

That is what I always say when people ask me if I am a psychologist. No, I am a hypnotist. I often and  always say that video and photo cameras have enormous power on humans. They are very powerful hypnosis and trance tools.

They put human beings into different states of mind and emotion. They change our moods. They do it, instantly. When we started video shooting, I explained  the whole project to Bridget again. I then asked her a series of questions related to the video project.

Her answers were good and positive as they were the day before during the presentation and pre-talk. I also asked her questions about herself and the mental and emotional states we were going to be working with on the video project.

Her answers were still good and positive. They gave me some great ideas about what she normally does to access certain positive states on her own. We compared what she normally does on her own to the previous sessions we had done before off camera. 

I asked her about the difference and she told me. The difference was huge. After her first video interview, I thought it went well on camera. She also thought it was good and positive. We continued and moved on to do her first video audition session.

The audition session gave her the opportunity to try out some simple but exciting and entertaining hypnosis and trance exercises on video camera. And she said they were fun. Her responses and feedback were great and positive. 

The fun exercises changed her mood completely. She went from feeling nervous in the beginning to feeling very relaxed, deeply peaceful, free from stress to feeling wonderfully amazing. Another thing that changed instantly was her body language.

It was during her first interview and audition video session that we managed to capture the hypnotic trance image above used for this particular post. Of course, it was edited with the help of our photo editor. He contributed to his part creatively. 

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